Java Moss Light Will Java Moss Grow With Just The Light In A Room?

Will java moss grow with just the light in a room? - java moss light

I wanted to begin a spawning tank - but I've tried to avoid that in a light .... I wonder ....



cactus_m... said...

Yes, they are developing very well ...
Because you use to spawn, try this ... There is a great effect --
Take a flat stone, like slate ... Lay foam everywhere ... To tie the game in a small fishing line or the like ... In a few weeks have been formed and you can make patches of this moss everywhere. (You can remove the fishing line when you can log in, or leave you.) (See also cool ...)
This may also impact on the very fresh driftwood and other furnishings in the tank.

Hope this helps ...

Ugly Artwork said...

Yes! Java moss is great that way, is a plant that will have a lot of very little light.

Earth ◊³ Dee said...

As an experiment it about a year ago, I used the foam in a square container (as used in fish stores to) get a balanced portfolio and put them on my kitchen table with no windows.

Sometimes the lights under the cabinets is not sometimes. Although I do not think we look forward to in the package, but is not dead. It grows in a thick layer of very, very slowly, floating on the water surface.

Part A visit at least healthy, and I'll cut the pieces by hand, if I gave him fresh water every 2-3 weeks.

It is very demanding. The foam was in my tank, however, must be cleaned regularly, and is bright green, and do not put unhealthy.

roach said...

I've always close a little better, without

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