Girl Wedgie Talk Wedgied In Front Of A Girl I Have A Huge Crush On! Help?!?

Wedgied in front of a girl i have a huge crush on! help?!? - girl wedgie talk

Ok, so I'm a user whiti Whitey, and I think that had seen some of the boys when I was in the gym locker room. I left the class and things were fine. Until I are talking, the girl (she was so hot and I) love to year. Then the boys will be fought. pantsed me first and when I saw how my tighty whiti, jumped in the literature to date and drive. Everyone laughed. The girl laughed, to say 'cute tighty whiti. gave a lurch.

I think he felt bad. cuz I get many wedgie. everything I think, to write cuz im wearin my versions further. the latter, although the boys tried to hang in a closet. She stopped when I told them, and they leave me with a smile. It's embarrassing to your help to have out of the box where my underwear!

would still like me?
Wedgie What should I do?

I tried again with the boxer literally, and tore me. What can I do?


awesome.... said...

Obvo are criminals, they say, is so close I'm sure she feels sorry for you that you made a mistake, but I hope to improve it in a few years we will look back and laugh: P;]

Ethan James said...

like u! I want to ask her out ..... and singing on Sunday .... Part of your life ..... Maintain and written wearin .... BE A MAN !...... or at the end !..... in about 35 letters anyway If young men gave me a wedgie time I like u guys have gay because u love seein in my desk and love .... U Touchin em so off we went. ... and threw them! haha .... if u do and Do not Look Back ..... Put a couple in my pocket just in case ..... UR But do not let em kno easy with the U command can get into position .... and after the change is no longer bothered

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