Kitten Facts Why Is My 2 Month Old Kitten Not Eating?

Why is my 2 month old kitten not eating? - kitten facts

I have just a kitten 2 months, now an animal shelter, no vomiting, no diarrhea, no output, it seems perfectly fine, except for the fact that not to eat. It is the home for about 3 hours or more and I can eat. What should I do?


ELLE said...

It was only three hours. It takes time to adjust. Now I want to worry about. Make sure that tomorrow had kittens at least one glass of water. Try to give a kitten milk formula. So the cat had been fed before I take it home with you. If you have not eaten for 24 hours, you have to try different foods and if it does not work, maybe a call to a vet, and they should offer some advice. If you think this may be a medical problem that you may have to bring him in.

heyheyhe... said...

maybe shes just not hungry.
if it refuses for more than a week to see a vet!

heyheyhe... said...

maybe shes just not hungry.
if it refuses for more than a week to see a vet!

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